IOM’s transition and recovery programming aims to support locally-driven efforts that help communities transition from conflict to relative stability, as well as to recover from socio-economic shocks brought on by conflict or weak socioeconomic development.

These interventions are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Chad which is focused on ensuring food security, resilient livelihoods, inclusive institution-building and sustainable service delivery.

IOM helps to reduce pressure on community resources and improve basic services by constructing, restoring and expanding basic infrastructure.

The Organization enhances economic growth and recovery by providing individuals with grants and training in business skills to help them find gainful employment or open their own enterprises. This enhances communities’ self-reliance and strengthens their resilience.

By rehabilitating schools, training teachers and advocating for displaced people access to schools, IOM also improves access to education for children.

IOM empowers inclusive and participatory local governance by working with the authorities to enhance their capacity and ensure inclusive mechanisms and accountability to Yemeni communities and supports community peacebuilding process through empowerment of local groups such as conflict resolution committees, water user associations and groups.

Finally, IOM works on building the capacity of government authorities on managing immigration systems and borders in a manner consistent with international standards, while supporting national and regional security, economic development and the protection of migrants’ rights.


Promoting national reconciliation and social cohesion through the establishment of peace and reconciliation commissions, Donor: UN Peacebuilding Fund 

Funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), the project “Promoting national reconciliation and social cohesion through the establishment of peace and reconciliation commissions” is jointly implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the provinces of Tandjilé, Mayo Kebbi West, Chari Baguirmi, Ndjamena and Bar-El Gazal, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the provinces of Borkou, Ennedi West and Tibesti ) for a period of 24 months from July 2023. The main objective of the project, in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations of the Inclusive and Sovereign National Dialogue (ISND), is to contribute to the operationalization of the provincial and departmental dismemberments of the Commission National Peace, National Reconciliation and Social Cohesion aimed at the prevention, reconciliation and management of potential conflicts and crises that could affect security, stability and social cohesion in Chad through: 

  • The inclusive and participatory implementation of actions and activities to promote peace and social cohesion with a view to improving vertical and horizontal social cohesion by increasing the level of trust and responsibility between communities, administrative authorities and security actors. 
  • The establishment and/or revitalization of peace, reconciliation and social cohesion commissions for prevention, conflict management and reconciliation integrating young girls, women, boys and all marginalized stakeholders in the eight (8) targeted provinces.