IOM supports States in their preparedness efforts to reduce expected impacts and enable an effective operational response to future crises, particularly in contexts with political uncertainty, disaster-prone environments, areas increasingly impacted by climate change and those with disease outbreaks, among others.

IOM’s preparedness activities aim to build the capacities and improve the ability of missions and key stakeholders – such as governments, response organizations or communities – to anticipate and effectively respond to the impact of likely, imminent or current hazards, events or conditions.

This includes a range of activities such as strengthening internal and inter-agency preparedness, developing the preparedness capacities of government and non-governmental partners to improve humanitarian response, strengthening the capacities of various stakeholders to assist migrants in countries in crisis and enhancing the safety and security skills of staff members working in treacherous environments.

Cooperation on Migration and Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Solutions (COMPASS)

The project’s objective is to contribute to protection and assistance of people on the move and decreased irregular migration through strengthened research and displacement tracking.


  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
PRM Voluntary contribution to the Sudan Emergency Regional Refugee Response Plan – Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) (USA) 

As a regional response with Egypt, South Sudan, Ethiopia and CAR funded by BHA, IOM Chad is providing Chadian returnees with protection, MHPSS and WASH assistance in coordination with MSF, UNICEF and UNFPA and others. 

SDC support to Sudan Response in Chad – Swiss agency for Development and Cooperation (Switzerland) 

With the support of SDC, IOM is providing multi-purpose cash assistance for returnees households, improving access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, as well as latrines as well a , livelihoods and MHPSS support to returnee households.

Humanitarian assistance to Returnees in Eastern Chad – BHA (USA) 

Through the funding from BHA, IOM Chad is providing with transitional shelters and water access points, latrines, and handwashing stations. Furthermore, IOM Chad has created community-based structures and mechanisms to sustain humanitarian assistance in the area.