
Technical Validation of the National Action Plan for the Fight against Human Trafficking in Chad

Stakeholders at the technical validation workshop of the National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings in Chad in N'Djamena. Photo: IOM Chad

N'Djamena, 27 November 2024 - A two-day workshop dedicated to the technical validation of the National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons in Chad ended today in N'Djamena. Organised by IOM in collaboration with the Chadian government, the event brought together representatives of the government, security institutions, civil society and international partners.  

Chaired by the Comité National de Lutte contre la Traite des Personnes (National Committee for the Fight against Human Trafficking), the workshop identified priority areas for action in the fight against human trafficking. 

‘This workshop is a crucial step in coordinating our efforts and ensuring that each action contributes to strengthening the protection of victims and preventing this odious crime’, said Mr DJOBOLANGUI Nathaniel, Director of Studies and Monitoring of Agreements at Chad's Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.  

The action plan validated at the end of the workshop will make it possible to: 

  • Identify priorities in the fight against human trafficking in Chad; 
  • Mobilize the resources needed to implement effective actions; 

Coordinate the actions of all the players involved (government, civil society, technical and financial partners). 

IOM Chad salutes the close partnership with the Chadian government and other actors involved in the fight against human trafficking. ‘This action plan is of crucial importance to better coordinate our efforts and provide a comprehensive response to this complex phenomenon,’ emphasized Mr Pascal REYNTJENS, IOM Head of Mission in Chad. 

Human trafficking, fueled by irregular migration and economic vulnerability, remains a major challenge in the region. Chad, with its vast territory and migratory dynamics, is particularly exposed to this phenomenon. Against this backdrop, the Chadian government has made strong commitments to combat human trafficking. The establishment of a solid legal and institutional framework, including Ordinance 06 of 2018 and Law 12, bears witness to this political will. The technically validated action plan will now be submitted to the Chadian authorities for final approval. It will then serve as a roadmap for implementing strategies to combat human trafficking in Chad. 


For more information, please contact:

In Dakar: Joëlle Furrer, 

In Chad: - Christina Van Hooreweghe,